Selasa, 26 Desember 2006
TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows
Implementing CIFS The Common Internet FileSystem
The term has a variety of connotations, but we will assume that Microsoft was thinking of common in the sense of commonly available or commonly used. All MS operating systems have had some form of CIFS networking available or built in, and there are implementations of CIFS for most major non-MS operating systems as well.
Understanding OSI
Design and Validation of Computer Protocols
This text is intended as a guide to protocol design and analysis, rather than as a guide to standards and formats. It discusses design issues instead of applications. Two issues, therefore, are beyond the scope of this text: network control (including routing, addressing, and congestion control) and implementation. There is, however, no shortage of texts on both topics. The design problem is addressed here as a fundamental and challenging issue, rather than as an irritating practical obstacle to the development of reliable communication systems. The aim of the book is to make you familiar with all the issues of protocol validation and protocol design.
state machine, a basic notion in many formal modeling techniques.
The third part of the book focuses on protocol synthesis, testing, and validation techniques that can be used to battle a protocol’s complexity. Both the capabilities and the limitations of the formal design techniques are covered.
The fourth and last part of the book gives a detailed description of the design of two protocol design tools based on PROMELA: an interpreter and an automated validator. Based on these tools, an implementation generator is simple to add. Source code for the tools is provided in Appendices D and E. The source is also available in electronic form. Ordering information can be found in Appendix E.
Fundamentals of Wireless Communication
Wireless Networking in the Developing World
Limehouse Book Sprint Team
Purpose of The Book By Publishers
The overall goal of this book is to help you build affordable communication technology in your local community by making best use of whatever resources are available. Using inexpensive off-the-shelf equipment, you can build high speed data networks that connect remote areas together, provide broadband network access in areas that even dialup does not exist, and ultimately connect you and your neighbors to the global Internet. By using local sources for materials and fabricating parts yourself, you can build reliable network links with very little budget. And by working with your local community, you can build a telecommunications infrastructure that benefits everyone who participates in it.
This book is not a guide to configuring a radio card in your laptop or choosing consumer grade gear for your home network. The emphasis is on building infrastructure links intended to be used as the backbone for wide area wireless networks. With that goal in mind, information is presented from many points of view, including technical, social, and financial factors. The extensive collection of case studies present various groups' attempts at building these networks, the resources that were committed to them, and the ultimate results of these attempts.
Since the first spark gap experiments at the turn of the last century, wireless has been a rapidly evolving area of communications technology. While we provide specific examples of how to build working high speed data links, the techniques described in this book are not intended to replace existing wired infrastructure (such as telephone systems or fiber optic backbone). Rather, these techniques are intended to augment existing systems, and provide connectivity in areas where running fiber or other physical cable would be impractical.......
We hope you find this book useful for solving your particular communication challenges.
Senin, 25 Desember 2006
Planning a computer system facility in an intercomputer network
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON)
- Introduction to the special issue on networking and information theory
- On the θ-coverage and connectivity of large random networks
- Scaling properties of statistical end-to-end bounds in the network calculus
- On the path-loss attenuation regime for positive cost and linear scaling of transport capacity in wireless networks
- Relaying protocols for two colocated users
- On the capacity of information networks
- Unachievability of network coding capacity
- An outer bound for multisource multisink network coding with minimum cost consideration
- The encoding complexity of network coding
- A unification of network coding and tree-packing (routing) theorems
- On average throughput and alphabet size in network coding
- The multicast capacity of deterministic relay networks with no interference
- Matrix games in the multicast networks: maximum information flows with network switching
- On achieving maximum multicast throughput in undirected networks
- Algebraic gossip: a network coding approach to optimal multiple rumor mongering
- Randomized gossip algorithms
- Asymptotic analysis of multistage cooperative broadcast in wireless networks
- Raptor codes
- Optimal throughput-delay scaling in wireless networks: part I: the fluid model
- On the throughput, capacity, and stability regions of random multiple access
- Minimum-cost multicast over coded packet networks
- Bandwidth- and power-efficient routing in linear wireless networks
- A fast lightweight approach to origin-destination IP traffic estimation using partial measurements
- Overcoming untuned radios in wireless networks with network coding
- Coverage by randomly deployed wireless sensor networks
- Statistical location detection with sensor networks
- Optimal overload response in sensor networks
- Capacity of queues via point-process channels
- One-way delay estimation using network-wide measurements
- On the scalability of cooperative time synchronization in pulse-connected networks
- The feasibility of matchings in a wireless network
- On the throughput scaling of wireless relay networks
- Fundamental limits and scaling behavior of cooperative multicasting in wireless networks
- On outer bounds to the capacity region of wireless networks
- Degenerate delay-capacity tradeoffs in ad-hoc networks with Brownian mobility
- Separating distributed source coding from network coding
- Cycle-logical treatment for "Cyclopathic" networks
- On the capacity of multiple unicast sessions in undirected graphs
- Decentralized erasure codes for distributed networked storage
- Lossy network correlated data gathering with high-resolution coding
- Coding on demand by an informed source (ISCOD) for efficient broadcast of different supplemental data to caching clients
- Critical node lifetimes in random networks via the Chen-Stein method
- Constructions of optical FIFO queues
The Networking CD Bookshelf
- DNS and BIND - By Cricket Liu & Paul Albitz
- TCP/IP Network Administration -By Craig Hunt
- Sendmail - By Bryan Costales & Eric Allman
- Sendmail Destop Reference - By Bryan Costales & Eric Allman
- Building Internet Firewalls - By D. Brent Chapman & Elizabeth D. Zwicky
- Practical Unix and Internet Security - By Simson Garfinkel & Gene Spafford
Preface of DNS and BIND
You may not know much about the Domain Name System - yet - but whenever you use the Internet, you use DNS. Every time you send electronic mail or surf the World Wide Web, you rely on the Domain Name System.
You see, while you, as a human being, prefer to remember the names of computers, computers like to address each other by number. On an internet, that number is 32 bits long, or between zero and four billion or so. That's easy for a computer to remember, because computers have lots of memory ideal for storing numbers, but it isn't nearly as easy for us humans. Pick ten phone numbers out of the phone book at random, and then try to remember them. Not easy? Now flip to the front of the book and attach random area codes to the phone numbers. That's about how difficult it would be to remember ten arbitrary internet addresses. And, with IP version 6, it's soon to be a whopping 128 bits long, or between zero and a decimal number with 39 digits.
This is part of the reason we need the Domain Name System. DNS handles mapping between host names, which we humans find convenient, and internet addresses, which computers deal with. In fact, DNS is the standard mechanism on the Internet for advertising and accessing all kinds of information about hosts, not just addresses. And DNS is used by virtually all internetworking software, including electronic mail, remote terminal programs such as telnet, file transfer programs such as ftp, and web browsers such as Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer.............
Minggu, 17 Desember 2006
Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification
The TCP/IP Guide
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - TCP/IP
Understanding TCP/IP
Everyone knows that TCP/IP is a network protocol used on LANs, WANs and the Internet, but not everyone who uses it understands howitworks. It’s possible to use TCP/IP with little more than a knowledge of how to configure the protocol stack, but a better understanding will give you a clearer picture of what is going on in your network and why the protocol needs to be set up in a particular way.
TCP/IP Fundamentals
- IP Addresses
- Data Link Layer - Network Frames , Address Resolution Protocol
- Network Layer - Internet Protocol , IP Routing , ICMP Error Reporting
- Transport Layer - User Datagram Protocol , Transmission Control Protocol,
- Session through Application Layers - Domain Name System
- Final example tracing DNS transaction through a router
TCP/IP and IPX Routing Tutorial
Sangoma Technologies Corp.
RFC 1180 - TCP/IP tutorial
IP Addressing and Subnetting
- View and listen to the sections in consecutive order. Each section relies on information from the previous sections. (The entire course takes about two and half hours.)
- Print Out Practice Problems and Section Helpers before you view the presentation (where available).
- Take notes, and refer to the Section Helpers while you listen to and view the presentation.
Perform the Practice Problems to sharpen your skills. - Be prepared to re-view key modules where needed (usually three times is standard).
- View summary sections to reinforce key concepts.
For test takers:
- Learn Subnet ID/Host Charts that are a part of the "Subnetting Section Helper"
- Practice twice a day for a week
- Before you click start on the test, write down Subnet ID/Host Charts from memory on paper provided at testing center. (Do NOT smuggle in charts or violate testing rules!)
- Use Charts to lookup answers to subnetting questions!
TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview
Part I. Core TCP/IP protocols
Daryl's TCP/IP Primer
An Overview of TCP/IP Protocols and the Internet
An increasing number of people are using the Internet and, many for the first time, are using the tools and utilities that at one time were only available on a limited number of computer systems (and only for really intense users!). One sign of this growth in use has been the significant number of TCP/IP and Internet books, articles, courses, and even TV shows that have become available in the last several years; there are so many such books that publishers are reluctant to authorize more because bookstores have reached their limit of shelf space! This memo provides a broad overview of the Internet and TCP/IP, with an emphasis on history, terms, and concepts. It is meant as a brief guide and starting point, referring to many other sources for more detailed information.
What are TCP/IP and the Internet?
While the TCP/IP protocols and the Internet are different, their histories are most definitely intertwingled! This section will discuss some of the history. For additional information and insight, readers are urged to read two excellent histories of the Internet: Casting The Net: From ARPANET to INTERNET and beyond... by Peter Salus (Addison-Wesley, 1995) and Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet by Katie Hafner and Mark Lyon (Simon & Schuster, 1997).......
Internet Protocol Tutorial
A Guide to TCP/IP Internetworking
Running a Perfect Intranet
Tricks of the Internet Gurus
--by Billy Barron
- Become a proficient Internet user. Many books and training sessions are available to help you get to this state.
- Learn about the society and politics of the Internet. Books, such as The Internet Unleashed (Indianapolis: Sams Publishing, 1994), will help with this. However, nothing substitutes for some time spent on mailing lists and Usenet news.
- Decide which parts of the Internet excite you. Concentrate on learning these. As I said earlier, nobody knows everything about the Internet.
- Do some background reading. This book will definitely help you here, but reading some network documents such as RFCs is also important.
- Try out what you have learned—as long as it is legal and ethical. No Internet guru evolves without spending a lot of hands-on time on the network itself.
- When your experiments fail (and they sometimes will), either go back to Step 4 or ask on mailing lists or newsgroups, and then try again. The urge to give up may be strong at times, but don't give in!
Good luck on becoming an Internet guru. Also, make sure you have fun while reading Tricks of the Internet Gurus, or you have been missing the point.
Managing Multivendor Networks
Macmillan Computer Publishing
Lot has happened in the computer world since John Enck wrote the first edition of this book in 1990. The Internet has become wildly popular, which has led to the suprem-acy of TCP/IP; the mainframe is being slowly replaced (or at least augmented) by a distributed, client/server architecture; and high-speed technologies, such as ATM and FDDI, have significantly enhanced the very nature of networking.
John had three goals in writing this book:
- To introduce and define the fundamental network architectures of four key computer manufacturers. This information gives executive management a sufficient understanding of the basics for making informed, intelligent decisions about networks and networking strategies.
- To help technical management and systems personnel begin the cross-training process. By covering each vendor's systems and networking architectures using the same orientation and organization, this book gives you a common level of understanding and facilitates this horizontal training.
- To explore standards and technologies that greatly affect the world of multivendor networking and data communications. Many of these developments result from third-party efforts and serve to define a middle ground on which to build multivendor solutions.
In this edition, I have endeavored to supplant Mr. Enck's comprehensive work with information on some of the latest technologies and to cover some of the changes that have taken place in the networking industry during the past six years.........
Becoming an Internet Service Provider
For a topic that has seen so much hype of late, it is amazing how little is explained about what the Internet is and how one leverages it. This white paper gives a brief explanation of the Internet, services it provides, and how new `Internet Service Providers' start up their operation.
The formal definition of the Internet says ``The Internet is a network that connects thousands of other computer networks''. This does not seem to be particularly helpful in understanding what's really going on.
Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 14 Days
High-Performance Networking Unleashed
WANs, too, have experienced radical, evolutionary change. Today, 9.6Kbps is deemed inadequate for most of the needs of even a single user. Just try to give a user a 9.6Kbps modem for use as anything but a paperweight!