- The possibility that readers will use the information maliciously
- The possibility of angering the often-secretive Internet-security community
- The possibility of angering vendors that have yet to close security holes within their software
Rabu, 14 Februari 2007
Maximum Security: Hacker's Guide to Protecting Your Internet Site and Network
Wireless LAN Communications
Netizens On the History and Impact of the Net
Introduction By Thomas Truscott
Looking Over the Fence at Networks: A Neighbor's View of Networking Research (2001)
- Intellectual ossification—The pressure for compatibility with the current Internet risks stifling innovative intellectual thinking. For example, the frequently imposed requirement that new protocols not compete unfairly with TCP-based traffic constrains the development of alternatives for cooperative resource sharing. Would a paper on the NETBLT protocol that proposed an alternative approach to control called “rate-based” (in place of “window-based”) be accepted for publication today?
- Infrastructure ossification—The ability of researchers to affect what is deployed in the core infrastructure (which is operated mainly by businesses) is extremely limited. For example, pervasive network-layer multicast remains unrealized, despite considerable research and efforts to transfer that research to products.
- System ossification—Limitations in the current architecture have led to shoe-horn solutions that increase the fragility of the system. For example, network address translation violates architectural assumptions about the semantics of addresses. The problem is exacerbated because a research result is often judged by how hard it will be to deploy in the Internet, and the Internet service providers sometimes favor more easily deployed approaches that may not be desirable solutions for the long run.
At the same time, the demands of users and the realities of commercial interests present a new set of challenges that may very well require a fresh approach. The Internet vision of the last 20 years has been to have all computers communicate. The ability to hide the details of the heterogeneous underlying technologies is acknowledged to be a great strength of the design, but it also creates problems because the performance variability associated with underlying network capacity, time-varying loads, and the like means that applications work in some circumstances but not others. More generally, outsiders advocated a more user-centric view of networking research—a perspective that resonated with a number of the networking insiders as well. Drawing on their own experiences, insiders commented that users are likely to be less interested in advancing the frontiers of high communications bandwidth and more interested in consistency and quality of experience, broadly defined to include the “ilities”—reliability, manageability, configurability, predictability, and so forth—as well as non-performance-based concerns such as security and privacy. (Interest was also expressed in higher-performance, broadband last-mile access, but this is more of a deployment issue than a research problem.) Outsiders also observed that while as a group they may share some common requirements, users are very diverse—in experience, expertise, and what they wish the network could do. Also, commercial interests have given rise to more diverse roles and complex relationships that cannot be ignored when developing solutions to current and future networking problems. These considerations argue that a vision for the future Internet should be to provide users the quality of experience they seek and to accommodate a diversity of interests.
An Introduction to Socket Programming
- to develop a function, tcpopen(server,service), to connect to service.
- to develop a server that we can connect to.
This course requires an understanding of the C programming language and an appreciation of the programming environment (ie. compilers, loaders, libraries, Makefiles and the RCS revision control system).
Netstat Observations:
Inter Process Communication (or IPC) is between host.port pairs (or host.service if you like). A process pair uses the connection -- there are client and server applications on each end of the IPC connection.
Note the two protocols on IP -- TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Prototocol). There's a third protocl ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) which we'll not look at -- it's what makes IP work in the first place!
TCP services are connection orientated (like a stream, a pipe or a tty like connection) while UDP services are connectionless (more like telegrams or letters).
We recognize many of the services -- SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol as used for E-mail), NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol service as used by Usenet News), NTP (Network Time Protocol as used by xntpd(8)), and SYSLOG is the BSD service implemented by syslogd(1M).
The netstat(1M) display shows many TCP services as ESTABLISHED (there is a connection between client.port and server.port) and others in a LISTEN state (a server application is listening at a port for client connections). You'll often see connections in a CLOSE_WAITE state -- they're waiting for the socket to be torn down.
Introduction to Securing Data in Transit
Authentication is a difficult task - computers have no way of knowing that they are 'the computer that sits next to the printer on the third floor' or 'the computer that runs the sales for www.dotcom.com'. And those are the matters which are important to humans - humans don't care if the computer is '', which is what the computers know.
Introduction to Networking Technologies
Introduction to Intrusion Protection and Network Security
Introduction to the Internet Protocols
Internetwork Troubleshooting Handbook
Internetworking over ATM: An Introduction
High-Speed Networking Technology: An Introductory Survey
- The Principles of High-Speed Networking
- Fibre Optical Technology and Optical Networks
- Local Area Networks (Token-Ring, FDDI, MetaRing, CRMA,Radio LANs)
- Metropolitan Area Networks (DQDB, SMDS)
- High-Speed Packet Switches (Frame Relay, Paris, plaNET)
- High-Speed Cell Switching (ATM)
Computer Networks and Internets
- Motivation and Tools
- Network Programming And Applications
- Transmission Media
- Local Asynchronous Communication (RS-232)
- Long-Distance Communication (Carriers, Modulation, And Modems)
- Packets, Frames, And Error Detection
- LAN Technologies And Network Topology
- Hardware Addressing And Frame Type Identification
- LAN Wiring, Physical Topology, And Interface Hardware
- Extending LANs: Fiber Modems, Repeaters, Bridges, and Switches
- Long-Distance And Local Loop Digital Technologies
- WAN Technologies And Routing
- Connection-Oriented Networking And ATM
- Network Characteristics: Ownership, Service Paradigm, And Performance
- Protocols And Layering
- Internetworking: Concepts, Architecture, and Protocols
- IP: Internet Protocol Addresses
- Binding Protocol Addresses (ARP)
- IP Datagrams And Datagram Forwarding
- IP Encapsulation, Fragmentation, And Reassembly
- The Future IP (IPv6)
- An Error Reporting Mechanism (ICMP)
- UDP: Datagram Transport Service
- TCP: Reliable Transport Service
- Network Address Translation
- Internet Routing
- Client-Server Interaction
- The Socket Interface
- Example Of A Client And A Server
- Naming With The Domain Name System
- Electronic Mail Representation And Transfer
- IP Telephony (VoIP)
- File Transfer And Remote File Access
- World Wide Web Pages And Browsing
- Dynamic Web Document Technologies (CGI, ASP, JSP, PHP, ColdFusion)
- Active Web Document Technologies (Java, JavaScript)
- RPC and Middleware
- Network Management (SNMP)
- Network Security
- Initialization (Configuration)
Computer Networks
- What is a computer network?
- What can we do with a computer network?
Keywords: (IPethernet)-address, TCP/IP, UDP, router, bridge, socket, rpc, rpcgen, server, client, arp, rarp ...
Protocol Layering
Protocol layering is a common technique to simplify networking designs by dividing them into functional layers, and assigning protocols to perform each layer's task.
For example, it is common to separate the functions of data delivery and connection management into separate layers, and therefore separate protocols. Thus, one protocol is designed to perform data delivery, and another protocol, layered above the first, performs connection management. The data delivery protocol is fairly simple and knows nothing of connection management. The connection management protocol is also fairly simple, since it doesn't need to concern itself with data delivery.
Protocol layering produces simple protocols, each with a few well-defined tasks. These protocols can then be assembled into a useful whole. Individual protocols can also be removed or replaced.
The most important layered protocol designs are the Internet's original DoD model, and the OSI Seven Layer Model. The modern Internet represents a fusion of both models.
Complete WAP Security
The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is a leading technology for companies trying to unlock the value of the Mobile Internet.
The WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) is a suite of specifications that enable wireless Internet applications; these specifications can be found at http://www.wapforum.org). WAP provides the framework to enable targeted Web access, mobile e-commerce, corporate intranet access, and other advanced services to digital wireless devices, including mobile phones, PDAs, two-way pagers, and other wireless devices. The suite of WAP specifications allows manufacturers, network operators, content providers and application developers to offer compatible products and services that work across varying types of digital devices and networks. Even for companies wary of WAP, individual elements of the WAP standards can prove useful by providing industry-standard wireless protocols and data formats.
The WAP architecture is based on the realization that for the near future, networks and client devices (e.g., mobile phones) will have limited capabilities. The networks will have bandwidth and latency limitations, and client devices will have limited processing, memory, power, display and user interaction capabilities. Therefore, Internet protocols cannot be processed as is; an adaptation for wireless environments is required. The entire suite of WAP specifications are derived from equivalent IETF specifications used on the Internet, modified for use within the limited capabilities in the wireless world.
Furthermore, the WAP model introduces a Gateway that translates between WAP and Internet protocols. This Gateway is typically located at the site of the mobile operator, although sometimes it may be run by an application service provider or enterprise.
BSD Sockets
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Technical Overview
- Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
- High-Speed Cell Switching
- Broadband ISDN
This publication is published by Prentice Hall and will be sold inexternal bookstores.
A new TCP congestion control with empty queues and scalable stability
We describe a new congestion avoidance system designed to maintain dynamic stability on networks of arbitrary delay, capacity, and topology. This is motivated by recent work showing the limited stability margins of TCP Reno/RED as delay or network capacity scale up. Based on earlier work establishing mathematical requirements for local stability, we develop new flow control laws that satisfy these conditions together with a certain degree of fairness in bandwidth allocation. When a congestion measure signal from links to sources is available, the system can satisfy also the key objectives of high utilization and emptying the network queues in equilibrium.
A Comprehensive Guide to Virtual Private Networks, Volume III: Cross-Platform Key and Policy Management
A Comprehensive Guide to Virtual Private Networks, Volume II: IBM Nways Router Solutions
Designing A Wireless Network
Understand How Wireless Communication Works
- Step-by-Step Instructions for Designing a Wireless Project from Inception to Completion
- Everything You Need to Know about Bluetooth,LMDS, 802.11, and Other Popular Standards
- Complete Coverage of Fixed Wireless,Mobile Wireless, and Optical
Wireless Technology
You’ve been on an extended business trip and have spent the long hours of the flight drafting follow-up notes from your trip while connected to the airline’s onboard server. After deplaning, you walk through the gate and continue into the designated public access area. Instantly, your personal area network (PAN) device, which is clipped to your belt, beeps twice announcing that it automatically has retrieved your e-mail, voicemail, and videomail.You stop to view the videomail—a finance meeting—and also excerpts from your children’s school play.
Meanwhile, when you first walked into the public access area, your personal area network device contacted home via the Web pad on your refrigerator and posted a message to alert the family of your arrival.Your spouse will know you’ll be home from the airport shortly.
You check the shuttlebus schedule from your PAN device and catch the next convenient ride to long-term parking.You also see an e-mail from your MP3 group showing the latest selections, so you download the latest MP3 play list to listen to on the way home.
As you pass through another public access area, an e-mail comes in from your spouse.The Web pad for the refrigerator inventory has noted that you’re out of milk, so could you pick some up on the way home? You write your spouse back and say you will stop at the store.When you get to the car, you plug your PAN device into the car stereo input port.With new music playing from your car stereo’s MP3 player, you drive home, with a slight detour to buy milk at the nearest store that the car’s navigation system can find.
The minute you arrive home, your PAN device is at work, downloading information to various devices.The data stored on your PAN device is sent to your personal computer (PC) and your voicemail is sent to the Bluetooth playback unit on the telephone-answering device.The PAN device sends all video to the television, stored as personal files for playback. As you place the milk in the refrigerator, the Web pad updates to show that milk is currently in inventory and is no longer needed.The kids bring you the television remote and you check out possible movies
together to download later that night.
Networking with z/OS and Cisco Routers: An Interoperability Guide
- The options and configuration of channel-attached Cisco routers
- The design considerations for combining OSPF-based z/OS systems with Cisco-based EIGRP networks
- A methodology for deploying Quality of Service policies throughout the network
- The implementation of load balancing and high availability using Sysplex Distributor and MNLB (including new z/OS V1R2 support)
We highlight our discussion with a realistic implementation scenario and real configurations that will aid you in the deployment of these solutions. In addition, we provide in-depth discussions, traces, and traffic visualizations to show the technology at work.
Networking Fundamentals, v4.0
- to share resources (files, printers, modems, fax machines)
- to share application software (MS Office)
- increase productivity (make it easier to share data amongst users)
Take for example a typical office scenario where a number of users in a small business require access to common information. As long as all user computers are connected via a network, they can share their files, exchange mail, schedule meetings, send faxes and print documents all from any point of the network.
It would not be necessary for users to transfer files via electronic mail or floppy disk, rather, each user could access all the information they require, thus leading to less wasted time and hence greater productivity.
Imagine the benefits of a user being able to directly fax the Word document they are working on, rather than print it out, then feed it into the fax machine, dial the number etc.
Small networks are often called Local Area Networks [LAN]. A LAN is a network allowing easy access to other computers or peripherals. The typical characteristics of a LAN are,
- physically limited ( less than 2km)
- high bandwidth (greater than 1mbps)
- inexpensive cable media (coax or twisted pair)
- data and hardware sharing between users
- owned by the user
Wireless Network Security 802.11, Bluetooth and Handheld Devices
Wireless communications offer organizations and users many benefits such as portability and flexibility, increased productivity, and lower installation costs. Wireless technologies cover a broad range of differing capabilities oriented toward different uses and needs. Wireless local area network (WLAN) devices, for instance, allow users to move their laptops from place to place within their offices without the need for wires and without losing network connectivity. Less wiring means greater flexibility, increased efficiency, and reduced wiring costs. Ad hoc networks, such as those enabled by Bluetooth, allow data synchronization with network systems and application sharing between devices. Bluetooth functionality also eliminates cables for printer and other peripheral device connections. Handheld devices such as personal digital assistants (PDA) and cell phones allow remote users to synchronize personal databases and provide access to network services such as wireless e-mail, Web browsing, and Internet access. Moreover, these technologies can offer dramatic cost savings and new capabilities to diverse applications ranging from retail settings to manufacturing shop floors to first responders.
A Beginner’s Guide to Network Security
With the explosion of the public Internet and e-commerce, private computers, and computer networks, if not adequately secured, are increasingly vulnerable to damaging attacks. Hackers, viruses, vindictive employees and even human error all represent clear and present dangers to networks. And all computer users, from the most casual Internet surfers to large enterprises, could be affected by network security breaches. However, security breaches can often be easily prevented. How? This guide provides you with a general overview of the most common network security threats and the steps you and your organization can take to protect yourselves from threats and ensure that the data traveling across your networks is safe.
The Internet has undoubtedly become the largest public data network, enabling and facilitating both personal and business communications worldwide. The volume of traffic moving over the Internet, as well as corporate networks, is expanding exponentially every day. More and more communication is taking place via e-mail; mobile workers, telecommuters, and branch offices are using the Internet to remotely connect to their corporate networks; and commercial transactions completed over the Internet, via the World Wide Web, now account for large portions of corporate revenue.
Local Area Network Concepts and Products: Routers and Gateways
Linux IPv6 HOWTO
Internetworking Technology Handbook
An internetwork is a collection of individual networks, connected by intermediate networking devices, that functions as a single large network. Internetworking refers to the industry, products, and procedures that meet the challenge of creating and administering internetworks.
History of Internetworking
The first networks were time-sharing networks that used mainframes and attached terminals. Such environments were implemented by both IBM's Systems Network Architecture (SNA) and Digital's network architecture.
Local-area networks (LANs) evolved around the PC revolution. LANs enabled multiple users in a relatively small geographical area to exchange files and messages, as well as access shared resources such as file servers and printers.
Wide-area networks (WANs) interconnect LANs with geographically dispersed users to create connectivity. Some of the technologies used for connecting LANs include T1, T3, ATM, ISDN, ADSL, Frame Relay, radio links, and others. New methods of connecting dispersed LANs are appearing everyday.
Today, high-speed LANs and switched internetworks are becoming widely used, largely because they operate at very high speeds and support such high-bandwidth applications as multimedia and videoconferencing.
Internetworking evolved as a solution to three key problems: isolated LANs, duplication of resources, and a lack of network management. Isolated LANs made electronic communication between different offices or departments impossible. Duplication of resources meant that the same hardware and software had to be supplied to each office or department, as did separate support staff. This lack of network management meant that no centralized method of managing and troubleshooting networks existed.
Realizing the Information Future - The Internet and Beyond
- The federal government's promotion of the National Information Infrastructure through an administration initiative and supporting congressional actions;
- The runaway growth of the Internet, an electronic network complex developed initially for and by the research community; and
- The recognition by entertainment, telephone, and cable TV companies of the vast commercial potential in a national information infrastructure.
A national information infrastructure (NII) can provide a seamless web of interconnected, interoperable information networks, computers, databases, and consumer electronics that will eventually link homes, workplaces, and public institutions together. It can embrace virtually all modes of information generation, transport, and use. The potential benefits can be glimpsed in the experiences to date of the research and education communities, where access through the Internet to high-speed networks has begu n to radically change the way researchers work, educators teach, and students learn.
To a large extent, the NII will be a transformation and extension of today's computing and communications infrastructure (including, for example, the Internet, telephone, cable, cellular, data, and broadcast networks). Trends in each of these component areas are already bringing about a next-generation information infrastructure. Yet the outcome of these trends is far from certain; the nature of the NII that will develop is malleable. Choices will be made in industry and government, beginning with inv estments in the underlying physical infrastructure. Those choices will affect and be affected by many institutions and segments of society. They will determine the extent and distribution of the commercial and societal rewards to this country for invest ments in infrastructure-related technology, in which the United States is still currently the world leader.
1994 is a critical juncture in our evolution to a national information infrastructure. Funding arrangements and management responsibilities are being defined (beginning with shifts in NSF funding for the Internet), commercial service providers are playi ng an increasingly significant role, and nonacademic use of the Internet is growing rapidly. Meeting the challenge of "wiring up" the nation will depend on our ability not only to define the purposes that the NII is intended to serve, but also to ensure that the critical technical issues are considered and that the appropriate enabling physical infrastructure is put in place.
PVM: Parallel Virtual Machine - A Users' Guide and Tutorial for Networked Parallel Computing
Teach Yourself THE INTERNET in 24 Hours
Part I, "The Basics," takes you through some of the things you'll need to know before you start. You'll get a clear explanation of what the Internet is really like, learn how you can actually use the Internet in real life, find tips on Internet Service Providers, and receive an introduction to the World Wide Web.
Part II, "E-Mail: The Great Communicator," teaches you all you'll need to know about e-mail. Learn basics like reading and sending e-mail, as well as more advanced functions such as attaching documents, creating aliases, and more. You'll also find out all about listservs and how to use them to your advantage.
Part III, "News and Real-Time Communication," shows you many of the things that make the Internet an outstanding tool for communication. You'll learn about newsgroups and how to communicate with thousands of people by clicking your mouse. You'll also learn how to carry on live, real-time conversations over the Internet, as well as get information on some of the hottest new technology such as Net Phones.
Part IV, "The World Wide Web," shows you what is now the most exciting part of the Internet. Learn which browser is best for you, get the basics of Web navigation, and find out how to help your browser with plug-ins. Finally, you'll discover the most powerful tool on the Web today--the search engine--and more importantly, how to use it.
Part V, "Finding Information on the Net," explains some of the other useful functions of the Net. You'll learn how to transfer files and use Gopher. You'll also learn how to access libraries and other resources by using Telnet. Finally, this section will show you how to use the Internet to locate people, places, and things that might not be available directly through the Web.
Part VI, "Getting the Most Out of the Internet," shows you practical ways to use the Internet. You can find resources and techniques on how to get information about entertainment, education, and business. Finally, learn how to use the Internet just to have fun.
Client/Server Computing Second Edition
A strategy being adopted by many organizations is to flatten the management hierarchy. With the elimination of layers of middle management, the remaining individuals must be empowered to make the strategy successful. Information to support rational decision making must be made available to these individuals. Information technology (IT) is an effective vehicle to support the implementation of this strategy; frequently it is not used effectively. The client/server model provides power to the desktop, with information available to support the decision-making process and enable decision-making authority.
The Gartner Group, a team of computer industry analysts, noted a widening chasm between user expectations and the ability of information systems (IS) organizations to fulfill them. The gap has been fueled by dramatic increases in end-user comfort with technology (mainly because of prevalent PC literacy); continuous cost declines in pivotal hardware technologies; escalation in highly publicized vendor promises; increasing time delays between vendor promised releases and product delivery (that is, "vaporware"); and emergence of the graphical user in terface (GUI) as the perceived solution to all computing problems.
In this book you will see that client/server computing is the technology capable of bridging this chasm. This technology, particularly when integrated into the normal business process, can take advantage of this new literacy, cost-effective technology, and GUI friendliness. In conjunction with a well-architected systems development environment (SDE), it is possible for client/server computing to use the technology of today and be positioned to take advantage of vendor promises as they become real.
The amount of change in computer processing-related technology since the introduction of the IBM PC is equivalent to all the change that occurred during the previous history of computer technology. We expect the amount of change in the next few years to be even more geometrically inclined. The increasing rate of change is primarily attributable to the coincidence of four events: a dramatic reduction in the cost of processing hardware, a significant increase in installed and available processing power, the introduction of widely adopted software standards, and the use of object-oriented development techniques. The complexity inherent in the pervasiveness of these changes has prevented most business and government organizations from taking full advantage of the potential to be more competitive through improved quality, increased service, reduced costs, and higher profits. Corporate IS organizations, with an experience based on previous technologies, are often less successful than user groups in putting the new technologies to good use.
Taking advantage of computer technology innovation is one of the most effective ways to achieve a competitive advantage and demonstrate value in the marketplace. Technology can be used to improve service by quickly obtaining the information necessary to make decisions and to act to resolve problems. Technology can also be used to reduce costs of repetitive processes and to improve quality through consistent application of those processes. The use of workstation technology implemented as part of the business process and integrated with an organization's existing assets provides a practical means to achieve competitive advantage and to demonstrate value.
Computer hardware continues its historical trend toward smaller, faster, and lower-cost systems. Competitive pressures force organizations to reengineer their business processes for cost and service efficiencies. Computer technology trends prove to leading organizations that the application of technology is the key to successful reengineering of business processes.
Unfortunately, we are not seeing corresponding improvements in systems development. Applications developed by inhouse computer professionals seem to get larger, run more slowly, and cost more to operate. Existing systems consume all available IS resources for maintenance and enhancements. As personal desktop environments lead users to greater familiarity with a GUI, corporate IS departments continue to ignore this technology. The ease of use and standard look and feel, provided by GUIs in personal productivity applications at the desktop, is creating an expectation in the user community. When this expectation is not met, IS departments are considered irrelevant by their users.
Beyond GUI, multimedia technologies are using workstation power to re-present information through the use of image, video, sound, and graphics. These representations relate directly to the human brain's ability to extract information from images far more effectively than from lists of facts.
Accessing information CAN be as easy as tapping an electrical power utility. What is required is the will among developers to build the skills to take advantage of the opportunity offered by client/server computing.
This book shows how organizations can continue to gain value from their existing technology investments while using the special capabilities that new technologies offer. The book demonstrates how to architect SDEs and create solutions that are solidly based on evolving technologies. New systems can be built to work effectively with today's capabilities and at the same time can be based on a technical architecture that will allow them to evolve and to take advantage of future technologies.
For the near future, client/server solutions will rely on existing minicomputer and mainframe technologies to support applications already in use, and also to provide shared access to enterprise data, connectivity, and security services. To use existing investments and new technologies effectively, we must understand how to integrate these into our new applications. Only the appropriate application of standards based technologies within a designed architecture will enable this to happen.
It will not happen by accident.
Patrick N. Smith with Steven L. Guengerich